
Witness an awe-inspiring reproduction of an actual Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton. This replica is the largest and most complete T-Rex skeleton ever found. It is meticulously detailed, 13ft tall and 40ft long - You want to miss your chance to pose for a picture!
- Excellent spot to grab some photos and there's usually a very knowledgable Disney Cast Member here to answer any questions you or your little ones may have.
- It's ridiculous how large this T-Rex skeleton is and you just have to see it to believe it!!
- Always an incredible sight for those who have a chance to admire it.
Tips & Facts
- Dino-Sue is 13ft tall and the length of a 4-storey building - it’s a fascinating sight to see!
- The original Sue dinosaur was discovered in the Black Hills of South Dakota in 1990. Named after fossil hunter Sue Hendrickson, the 67 million-year-old T-Rex skeleton is one of the most famous fossil finds of the 20th century.
- In 1997, the real Sue was purchased at auction with help from Walt Disney Parks and Resorts, and is now on display at The Field Museum in Chicago, Illinois.
- This walk-by attraction never has a line. Visit and enjoy anytime for however long you enjoy examining dinosaur skeletons.